HI Platform Engineering! I work for a company cal...
# platform-toolbox
HI Platform Engineering! I work for a company called Syntasso who help customers better treat their Platforms as products. Out of this work we’ve produced a tool called Kratix which enables platform teams to curate internal platforms through the creation of atomic as-a-Service capabilities such as Redis, Postgres, <insert your favourite tool here>, all the way up to more complex composite as-a-Service requests such as custom Golden paths. We are looking for a design partner to collaborate with to help improve Kratix. This would look like partnering with us to design your internal platform, build out your highest value ‘services’, and all we ask in return is for your candid feedback to help us evolve Kratix as a product. Equally if you just want to learn more about Kratix and would like a demo please just shoutT </shameless-pitch>! Thanks Chris
If you want to read more about partnering you can do so here
@Christopher Hedley, I took a look at Kratix and it reminded me Crossplane. Do you have a document any other source that compares Kratix against other tools and address its high points.
Thanks @Hutger Hauer Yes we have a how kratix compliments section on our docsite.
Hi @Christopher Hedley, awesome! This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
No problem. If you still have questions and thoughts please reach out. We love feedback!! Also happy to chat if that helps you out at all.