:wave: Looking for insight into Team Sizes, Team/S...
# platform-culture
đź‘‹ Looking for insight into Team Sizes, Team/Service ratio, and measuring a team's cognitive Capacity. Has anyone here had to figure out the sweet spot? Any resources you could share?
I’m not entirely sure I understand the question, but here’s a few basic / generic answers that I’ve referenced in the past. I’m sure you’ll have come across this before, but Amazon’s two pizza rule is generally a nice balance between agility and organisation. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/introduction-devops-aws/two-pizza-teams.html McKinsey & Co has some opinions on the different types of managers and how many direct reports they can generally support. https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insig[…]to-identify-the-right-spans-of-control-for-your-organization
In terms of how big your platform needs to be to support a specific number of apps, that will depend heavily on your business. In my experience, new teams supporting 500-2500 “app instances” will have 4-6 team members. When you get beyond 5K / 10K instances, I generally see a need to separate functions (each with 6-20 people). Again, at this enterprise scale, it really depends what you consider “the platform” and the work they’re doing.
How do you consider the portfolio of a product team is too big? Give you have a pizza team, let's say 4-6 folks, how many services is too many?
I’m afraid my background is about building and running Internal Developer Platforms (built as platform-as-a-product), rather in app development itself.