Hi again folks! :wave: A few months ago, we at Ko...
# kubernetes
Hi again folks! 👋 A few months ago, we at Komodor released a new open-source project called Helm-Dashboard, which got a lot of positive feedback and attention from the community. I’m happy to share that now Helm-Dashboard can be installed both locally AND on a cluster. It’s basically a GUI for Helm, designed to solve some of the more acute pain points of Helm users by visualizing changes in Helm charts. The goal is to help beginner Helm users to get started with Helm, and for more experienced users to speed up operations. The new cluster installation capability would enable users to collaborate better and share the same view of their charts. Check it out on GitHub: https://github.com/komodorio/helm-dashboard Feel free to join our Slack Kommunity: https://join.slack.com/t/komodorkommunity/shared_invite/zt-1dm3cnkue-ov1Yh~_95teA35QNx5yuMg Give it a if you liked it :)
Nice! This dashboard feels like a simpler ArgoCD, which is much easier to install and use. Do you have a roadmap for the dashboard? I'd love to see what you are planning