:bulb:Today, Jan 12 at 7 PM CET or 12 PM CST tune ...
# general
💡Today, Jan 12 at 7 PM CET or 12 PM CST tune in to "How to scale enterprise-wide Kubernetes adoption". We will talk with @Turja Chaudhuri, Assistant Director ,Cloud Platform Engineering with overall 10 years experience in IT, with 5+ years in Cloud technologies.. Turja will cover lots of topics, but mainly: • Challenges involved with Kubernetes adoption. • How to set up an enterprise-ready application deployment platform and center of excellence to enable rapid adoption of Kubernetes • How to set up an enterprise-ready application deployment platform/center of excellence that can help in the rapid adoption of Kubernetes across the enterprise can handle those challenges • Key drivers to increase adoption and discuss some potential roadmaps on driving the adoption journey for cloud-native in general, and Kubernetes in particular, across the enterprise. After a 30-minute talk, there will be 15 minutes for Q&A. We’d like to encourage you to submit your questions in advance. https://www.meetup.com/platform-engineers-atx-online/events/289965216/?isFirstPublish=true