Hi all. Anyone else running keycloak as a means of...
# kubernetes
Hi all. Anyone else running keycloak as a means of authenticating traffic for istio? I am looking for some help and feedback on our work. Happy to share some of what we have done and some of our strategy in return.
Hey @David Söderlund I've been using Istio with another Identity provider, don't know if the help you're looking for is more closely related to Keycloak or Istio but if it's the latter i'm happy to help 😉
It is about istio. The idp thing I have developers around me with experience in. Can we have a short huddle in a couple of mins?
I don't have a good setup for huddles where I'm at right now but I could in around 1h / 1h30 if that would still be ok ?
This all seems to work out nicely, oauth2-proxy is storing our tokens in redis once the callback started working. Keycloak didn't populate the audience properly but I built a custom mapper for it and now it is all good. Thanks for the help @Alan Longuet