Would anyone recommend a kubernetes cluster monito...
# general
Would anyone recommend a kubernetes cluster monitoring grafana dashboard that uses Prometheus as the data source? For now we’re using one,
gnetId 315
but I’ve got a TODO that it is old/doesn’t have all the monitoring data
@dat Can you clarify what use cases you are trying to achieve using these tools?
At a high level, observability. Grafana will be our UI for metrics, logging, tracing of services in a given k8s cluster. The dashboard in question would be used for general monitoring of cluster resources. I know alerting is something we’re going to implement, e.g. when memory usage is above a certain threshold. At present, however, this grafana dashboard, 315, is reporting only on cluster level metrics and no data for Pod metrics like cpu, memory, network I/O.
I am a bit biased but I recommend you to check out www.perfectscale.io as they provide most of the data you are looking for and do much more than just observability.
This 3 min video covers one of PerfectScale solutions:


Thanks for the rec, will def take a look
If you got the money datadog is pretty great too
You could also look at https://pixielabs.ai/ as another CNCF project for cluster observability. If you're a small team or you don't see a high volume of events, New Relic has a free tier with out of the box alerts (100GB of data/mo, 1 free full platform user, unlimited alerts/dashboards, etc). Disclosure on the latter: Former New Relic employee here.
Grafana do actually have a Kubernetes integration now with some OOTB dashboards: https://grafana.com/blog/2022/07/13/introducing-kubernetes-monitoring-in-grafana-cloud/, super useful and it's all Prometheus based!