:bulb:Jan 31 at 9 PM CET or 2 PM CST tune in to "S...
# general
💡Jan 31 at 9 PM CET or 2 PM CST tune in to "Scaling from 2k engineers to 12k engineers and 10k deploys per day". We will talk with Lucia Brizuela and @Juliano Marcos Martins, respectively Sr. Tech Director and Sr. Cloud and Platform Manager @ Mercado Libre, the largest online commerce and payments ecosystem in LATAM. Lucia and Juliano will cover MercadoLibre choice to invest in an internal platform, how they split their IT team to scale efficiently and how the platform works focussing on key components such as CI/CD and service abstractions. After a 30-minute talk, there will be 15 minutes for Q&A. We’d like to encourage you to submit your questions in advance. https://www.meetup.com/platform-engineers-atx-online/events/290037624/
Hey @Giulia Guizzardi will this be recorded and posted?
Hey Philip! all of our webinars are recorded and you can watch them on our youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjVI0LawDxHaXSBMBOK1tA
That was pretty awesome, I always enjoy learning about Mercado libre