Hei community! If you were about to build an enter...
# general
Hei community! If you were about to build an enterprise from scratch, and have within a Platform ecosystem (IDP, Dev Portal, APIs, etc) What framework would you use to manage dependencies and collaborations across the enterprise?
This is very wide. First define dependencies .?
Hey @Roberto Carrera have you seen how this is done in Compass? Here is a simple screenshot from a demo environment - it’s very simple to capture dependencies, and even gives you the ability to explore events related to dependencies if you need to (deployments, incidents, etc)
Hey @Roberto Carrera I love the idea of building an enterprise from scratch! The question feels liberating and absurd all at once 😄 It’s definitely a fun question to play with. If one is building an organisation completely from scratch then one would be given the opportunity to build the organisational systems from scratch without the drag of legacy systems. This would lead to a very different technical architecture to a company that meets my personal definition of enterprise, i.e which includes lots (and lots) of legacy ‘systems’. This may mean containerised, non-conterized, one or many public clouds, some private cloud, some SaaS etc etc. We built Kratix alot of those latter patterns in mind. We wanted to build a framework for platform engineers that enables human ‘collaboration’ which led us to an abstraction we call a Promise. The idea being the platform teams and the developers work together on defining what software needs to be delivered by the platform and codify this into a Promise. i.e we tried to build an abstraction that enables you to treat you platform as a product. Promises can deliver many dependencies together as golden paths, a dbass running on a public/ private infra, a slice of a SaaS system — anything the software teams need to get their job done. Once defined Promises can be loaded in to Kratix and can then automatically be consumed aaaS via an API by the consuming teams (not just dev, other teams are users of platforms too!). Kratix and Promises are also built with system integration in mind and can also register themselves with external systems such as Backstage.
I’d love to hear more about what you’re trying to achieve there is alot to unpack in your question 🙂