Hey everyone!!! :wave: *What I do:* Front-end tec...
# intros
Hey everyone!!! 👋 What I do: Front-end tech leader, Platform team, Hasura 🙂 Hasura has a Platform team since August 2022, and we do not have a PM at the moment. Who I am: I’m a passionate and positive-minded Senior Front-end Engineer, a Speaker, and an Instructor from Italy (working remotely since 2018). Improving the DX, developing UIs, solving problems, guaranteeing quality, sharing my knowledge, and helping people are my passions. I have worked in this field for fifteen years, wearing many hats and working on different codebases: - 9 years in a web agency developing every kind of web project - 1 year in a small product company (insurance comparator) - 1.5 years in a small bitcoin startup (insurance comparator) - 2.5 years leading a small frontend team rewriting from scratch a 250K LOC app (React+TypeScript) - (current) 1+ year working in the Platform team of Hasura, which main frontend project is 270K LOC (React+TypeScript) What I love: - working with passionate people - writing maintainable and easy-to-refactor code - helping and easing other frontend developers - guaranteeing the highest possible quality of my work with precise execution and problems prevention - easing all the stakeholder’s work with high proactivity, communication, providing a lot of feedback, mentoring, and improving workflows - actively looking for and proposing solutions for every kind of problem I see - learning and solidifying/spreading my knowledge by writing articles (40+), speaking (20+ talks), and teaching (15+ frontend testing courses). You can find all my contributions (articles, course, plugins, etc) on here https://github.com/NoriSte/all-my-contributions How to stay connected: • this Slack server, obviously 🙂 • Twitter or LinkedIn