:wave: Hi everyone!, first time here. Really inter...
# general
👋 Hi everyone!, first time here. Really interested in the topic. This was probable asked before but, can anyone point out a good learning path for IDPs and associated elements?
Hi @Juan Escalante, welcome! In this


I give a walkthrough of a populated platform, happy to answer any specific questions you come up with while you’re on your learning journey - feel free to DM me.
Thanks Hugo, I went through the site in detail. The 5 core components framework is pretty useful, I’m trying to understand a learning path associated to them but the Tooling section in the same page doesn’t directly maps to the 5 core components. I can try and connect the dots
Thanks Andrew, will definitely check the content and DM back is any questions
In terms of learning path a lot of platform engineering skills come from DevOps so you could use https://roadmap.sh/devops as a starting point
Amazing Hugo, just what I was looking for. Thanks