What is the modern stack for internal engineering ...
# documentation
What is the modern stack for internal engineering documentation - currently we have multiple teams storing knowledge in Notion but this is scattered and inconsistent What solutions have you found effective?
We use confluence but https://docusaurus.io/ and https://www.mkdocs.org/ are pretty good especially when coupled with a ci/cd pipeline
If you're already an Atlassian shop I'd go with Confluence. Otherwise, Docusaurus looks awesome.
I recommend docusaurus for technical Documentation. I love the versioning feature so you can version the entire documentation for a platform. With a bit of automation (and process) you can scrape all the repos in your org for
to collate everything in a single place but keeping the source of truth in the repo.
Hey @Hugo Pinheiro - we ended up combining the best of both worlds - we are currently using confluence, but we made a little custom code to allow the pipeline to publish in confluence as it if were docs as code
Ooh that's interesting
Yeah 100% recommended - worth the little investment