1. Hi All, i have taken the responsibility for bui...
# general
1. Hi All, i have taken the responsibility for building frameworks/capabilities as a part of the platform engineering team. Platform engineering is new to me. I wish to do this as a product. Can you all brainstorm on what are all the documents/support information i need to provide as a platform team to the other teams. Thoughts/suggestions are welcome. these are the 5 broader areas i thought of Software distribution 2. Release Management 3. Developer relations/advocacy 4. Knowledge Base 5. Support Model Please provide your feedback
Can you send out a survey to your users to get data on the documentation they think is missing and most valuable to them?
the other thing to keep an eye on is what kind of questions you and your team are getting. If. you keep seeing similar questions being asked then that’s often a sign you need to document / automate / improve the current situation.
@ARUN R I have written an article about our large scale Platform Engineering practice in Ant Group with Kusion. I hope it will be helpful to you. https://medium.com/@daniellee0929/how-to-scale-up-operations-in-the-era-of-post-cloud-native-era-8f18729ebfc0