Hey everyone — I just released the first version o...
# terraform
Hey everyone — I just released the first version of Hatchet, an open-source Terraform Cloud alternative: https://github.com/hatchet-dev/hatchet. It’s still in early development -- would really appreciate any feedback!
@Alexander Belanger Looks like you’ve done a lot of work here and I’m really interested in seeing where this project goes. 😄 Just wondering, but have you seen Terraform Atlantis? https://www.runatlantis.io/ We used it (self-hosted) at a previous employer and I really liked the way their PR-based workflow works — especially being able to trigger plans/applies by placing a comment on the PR itself and having the result be posted back into the PR’s history.
Thanks @Mike Lee! Yep, I've used Atlantis and I've really liked it -- a lot of the GitOps design in Hatchet is based on the way Atlantis works. But I think it's lacking on the API/platform side of things to really be a drop-in replacement for Terraform Cloud, especially for larger installations with a lot of dependent modules
Have loved using Atlantis for years, but unable to use it at my new place (IP allowlist for webhooks) so keen to explore if Hatchet might be suitable!
@Andrew Kirkpatrick I'm not sure Hatchet would get around the IP allowlist issue for a GitOps-based flow as it uses both a Github App webhook and repository webhooks (Gitlab support is in progress - I imagine it would also use a webhook). Though perhaps we could get around it using an ArgoCD-like API based mechanism
Ah I see, that's the bit I was curious about so is a shame. Thanks for letting me know! Hopefully I'll get to try it at my next job 😅