Hello, I'm Head of Platforms of TraefikLabs. We're...
# intros
Hello, I'm Head of Platforms of TraefikLabs. We're working on Traefik Proxy and Traefik Hub, our new SaaS offering. I have 20+ years of xp but I'm still happy to learn more from everyone & grow.
Hi was your platform internal for developers or its customer facing?
how grateful I am for all your work at TraefikLabs, your work helped me a lot to learn and going deep into k8s networking and more, thank you very much
@Timothy Fong We have both 🙂 @Nicolás Georger You're welcome ! I'm happy that it's usefull !
Could I chat about your experience with idp for a possible Newsletter article on product managing infrastructure platforms?
You'll find some answers on our experience here: https://traefik.io/blog/kubernetes-clusters-as-a-service-using-a-gitops-approach/ Let me know if you have questions after reading it.
Thanks @Michel Loiseleur checking it out now