<@U04GX8WHMM5> reviewing the docs re: you support ...
# platform-engineering-in-edge-computing
@Carl Moberg reviewing the docs re: you support multi tenancy, how do you do that with isolation of workloads and applications? Do you support Firecracker VM's on a physical host?
It is configurable, but by default we rely on (1) the isolation provided by the container runtime (Docker or Podman), (2) a combination of VXLAN and Wireguard for tenancy and application separated networking, and (3) per-tenant and host keying material for sercrets management. Through some configuration we do support alternate containerd backends like firecracker-containerd.
I see this works for a totally “on site” edge (did I get the nomenclature right? Meaning the edge are pops deployed by the company)
I read briefly about ingress but don’t recall the details. What do you think of ngrok ingress as a means for ingress for edge compute? How would you recommend connecting from a local client to the edge? Over public internet? Or since the client is controlled (it’s a game client) it should connect directly to the nearest edge through a tunnel?
Catching up here, on https://platformengin-b0m7058.slack.com/archives/C04RLL5BQ4W/p1683519510114989?thread_ts=1683069604.676939&amp;cid=C04RLL5BQ4W -> Yes, we focus on “on-site” environments, i.e. where there if limited amounts of compute in many locations, so between the device edge (IoT, phones) and the regional hyperscaler/CDN edge. Naming is hard in all contexts, but the nomenclature around the edge is particularily fragmented IMHO. More on that topic here: https://avassa.io/articles/defining-the-edge-of-edge-computing/