I'm starting to dig into the FinOps topic - any re...
# product-management
I'm starting to dig into the FinOps topic - any recommendation? on great reading or tooling? from a platform engineering point of view, but also from a SaaS product point of view: tracking costs per account/tenant on our SaaS platform.
From a practical standpoint, it all starts with where you're running things. If you're on AWS, you need to do things a bit differently than you would on GCP or a datacenter.
AWS in our case
Gartner has been talking about FinOps in all their conferences. If you have access to the resources from Gartner, you can give it a try. PS: I was a Gartner Analyst in my previous role so if you want to connect with someone who cover platform Engineering, I can help as well.
for AWS the foundation is a strong tagging strategy, since their cost reporting tools really aren't that great. At a minimum you need something like a contact and project tag, but if you google around you may see better examples for your organization. Since you have tenants, that's a logical tag to have. Think about tags as data dimensions you'd want to report off of.
once you have that in place you're probably in a build vs. buy conversation. We elected to build because we have large spend on k8s and at the time, vendors didn't support it very well.
Disclaimer: I'm the head of product for a company that sells a solution in this space, CloudZero: we're a cloud cost intelligence platform that helps other companies organize their spending on AWS and other public clouds, going down to unit economics. The FinOps book is a decent starting resource if you haven't read that - they do a good job, in my opinion, of distilling the basic nomenclature here. From another perspective, AWS's Mike Rosenberg was a great thought leader in this space; he had a number of blogs in this space that I thought did a good job of enablement, such as: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws-cloud-financial-management/what-is-a-unit-metric/ Happy to talk more about my experience as well (either point you to writings from my company or chat more,) but am new here, so I wasn't as sure what community guidelines are for recommending a company you work for!
@abhishek singh - thanks I will check with our team, we should have access
@Mark Cheshier we might need something more because we run our workload in Kubernetes - so the tagging needs probably to be done on pods level. do you have any recommendations in that area?
@Bill Buckley thanks! will check the resources. I haven't read the book, but I saw it mentioned a lot since I started looking into that topic
You can enforce labels/annotations or a similar mechanism on pod creation. We require people to put in a contact and project 'tag' and use our internal system that watches pods for changes to collect everything and stream it all to the data lake (we also use this to calculate pod cost).
Hi Sonja, I am Deepak and founder of a FinOps startup. I would love to speak with you and understand your problem. You can ping me directly and I would be happy to speak with you and team. Absolutely no obligation whether you use our solution or not