Typically i don't post webinars here but given the...
# general
Typically i don't post webinars here but given the topic and speakers, i hope folks would find it valuable. I'm excited to host "How to use ChatGPT in DevOps" next week together with Ruv Cohen, an OpenAI alpha tester, Dheeraj Khanna, VP of SRE and Cloud automation at Netapp and Shaked Askayo, Kubiya's CTO. The fireside chat will include best practices for working with Davince, Curie, Ada and non GPT engines by AI21 LlaMa, use cases where GPT worked and where it failed and a discussion about human in the loop. These guys have extensive experience with GPT and LLMs and i'm excited to pick their brain and collective knowledge. Join me and over 200 other DevOps professionals https://www.linkedin.com/events/howtousellmsindevops7069924846394077184/about/