I’m totally biased :sweat_smile:, but I love this ...
# general
I’m totally biased 😅, but I love this flow from our product to clone an environment with dozens of services (containers, RDS, Terraform, cloudformation manifests..) in 1 click. The goal here is to provide a golden path to clone environments and make developers more autonomous. When you see this with a fresh eye, what do you think? Any questions that come to your mind? I’d love to get your feedback to see what could be improved.
Looks nice. What’s under the hood (and I don’t mean the UI/UX toolkit)? How do you tie together the dependency graph of what constitutes an environment in your case? At what granularity you deal with data content? Do you clone the data or just schema?
Overall - it would be great to hear more about the how. At my current place - we are struggling with a similar problem, and I’m trying to collect examples of successful, platform-ish solutions from an actual teams.
Hi @Dmytro 👋 What’s under the hood (and I don’t mean the UI/UX toolkit)? How do you tie together the dependency graph of what constitutes an environment in your case? We have a pipeline view where you can create multiple stages and move the service from one stage to another. (cf video below). I’ve also written this article explaining this part in more detail. At what granularity you deal with data content? Do you clone the data or just schema? You have full control here; you can clone the full database or seed your data from a script. It’s up to you. In my video (below), you can see that I have a
DB Seed Script
q that executes and uses Replibyte to seed my database. Overall - it would be great to hear more about the how. At my current place - we are struggling with a similar problem, and I’m trying to collect examples of successful, platform-ish solutions from an actual teams. Can you share more details on your struggle? Happy to help 🙂
Oooh, I see now, that’s a vendor tool. Initially had an impression that’s an internal thingy, in-house platform, of some company. Didn’t see the qovery ceo badge… Sorry, at this point i’m a bit precautious regarding vendored solutions.
Thanks for the reference materials
😅 no worries - even if it’s a vendor solution still happy to help you out and provide my experience.