What are the tools you’re using in your day to day...
# product-management
What are the tools you’re using in your day to day for doing “platform as a product”? I bumped into the get dx tool for surveying / gathering feedback: platformx the other day. There’s a lot of these product tools for data analysis, in product feedback, user testing, etc in the product space like sprig.com, pendo.io, mixpanel.com, gong.io, grain.com, usertesting.com, etc. Though they’re often not marketed for internal platform work. What are the tools you are using (or thinking of using)?
@Kashmira Patel - Any tools you’re using right now that you could share? 😄
Nothing noteworthy yet. Still trying to set up processes etc. so far only been using jira 😂
@Lou Bichard I share some practices+tools but really the tools are not designed for a specific PM job but also serve other purposes 1. Personas - I found these extremely important even though they sound obvious for all PE members, until they are explicitly state and described solutions never consider for whom we build 2. Problems vs Featuers - Rally (our tool for planning reIease and interactions etc); I collect different inputs, feedback, requirements and translate them into problem being solved rather the just another feature in a backlog 3. User stories - Rally; even though the platform work sounds technical, almost every time I work with PE team I am able to find a user, job and outcome he wants to behind the work 4. Discovery - all of the above are subject of discovering through interviews and research 5. Data - this is spread and built in into almost every system we use, Jira, BitBucket, Rally, K8S, GCP, custom metrics built into different tools (there's no even single report to dig into data it's very spread) + GoogleAnalytics in some UI tools, but we measure CLIs as well 6. Brainstorming - Mural especially solving the problem with different solutions and then prioritizing 7. Interviews - I use OneNote for making notes and sometimes record the meeting to get back later on (I actually never get back 🙂 ) 8. Domain - OneNote in general is a great tool for organizing notes and since this domain is very wide good organization of notes is critical 9. Communication with users - MS teams looks promising although we only start with that Not sure if that helps
I'm looking at the get dx tool for surveying.. currently it's in procurement review.. to date, the survey is basically me, slacking ppl to ask for feedback on our platform 🙂
Thanks for sharing @Grzegorz Wojciechowski specifically for surverying I use Microsoft Forms, not allowed to use 3rd party tools in my org
Sharepoint forms
Thanks for sharing our tool Lou! Interesting to see gong and grain on that list there, because I've always thought of those primarily as sales tools, but you're absolutely right, they could definitely be used for internal platform work. PlatformX is mainly for real time feedback, but our DevEx 360 tool is our main quarterly developer experience survey we run which we've found pretty solid results with.
> Interesting to see gong and grain on that list there, because I’ve always thought of those primarily as sales tools, but you’re absolutely right, they could definitely be used for internal platform work. Happy to share how I integrate those into my own work. I don’t think those tools are great internal platform tools, however I did want to give some examples. But, for sure if there are similar tools out there, e.g. for interviewing, transcription etc, I can imagine that being super useful for internal platform.
joined this Slack community cuz I started seeing internal platform engineering team start adopting us. i wanna polish the solution more for platform teams. would love to get folks' feedback on https://www.monterey.ai/solutions/platform
Huh, now that’s super interesting Chun… I’ll take a look.