Hey community, Ever wrestled with logging at th...
# observability
Hey community, Ever wrestled with logging at the kind of scale that makes or breaks systems? We're talking Loki and logs on a billion-event scale. Join Sreejith S from Capillary and Pramodh A from Facets.cloud as they break down the heavy lifting behind the scenes. It's happening on Jan 11 at 4:30 PM IST – just an hour that could change the way you think about logging. Check out the images for a sneak peek, and hit the link to jump in. Let's crack the scale together. https://app.zuddl.com/p/a/event/832d2cbd-2a7e-40ae-adcb-c892348a1f37
This looks like it could be a huge help to our team! Will there be a recording available?
Sure we will upload it in Youtube and ping here as well
Thank you! Really looking forward to it!
@Ronnie Howell here is the recording of the session, do let me know if you have questions and also give feedback.


Thank you!! I'll try to carve out some time today