Yeah, I have heard a rule of thumb a while back......
# wayfolk
Yeah, I have heard a rule of thumb a while back....YMMV, not a rule, just something some person said to me once. 1 page when your career is < 10 years, then you get another half page for every 5 years after that
i have earned the 2 pages then
woohoo I get 3 pages 😉
I'm now stalking your LinkedIn Tom. I didn't know you were a Hoosier! (I went to college at RHIT in Terrible Hole, I mean Terre Haute)
Yup a Hoosier. I had quite a few class mates that went to RHIT. I also went to camp at ISU one summer. I recall the city had a distinct odor due to the food processing plants.
tom, you get two pages with a catch all bucket for roles that were 10+ years ago
let me know if you need a working example
The catch all would be everything prior to W ;-(
want to see mine?
There was a paper mill too. The smell was terrible when it rained my freshman year (2002-2003). But it had improved a bit in the late aughts when I was regularly visiting for homecoming etc.
It may have been the paper mills -- it was a long time ago 😉 glad to hear the air quality is better.
30 year club ( okay 29). having a little trouble distilling it down...
@Jordan Chernev resume is a good example of how to focus it on the most recent 10 years --
I can't link to the doc from my phone now. Tom, feel free to share it in thread. I don't mind
woah, jordan you worked at ntag?!
i did my first coop there! they sent me to cancun for an event and I came back and my manager and all my coworkers got laid off and i finished the last month of my coop while they shuttered the company
Haha, small world
Who was still there
i only remember a few people, jefferson, sujatha, edwina, and mark hillis
i think i still have some ntags from when they shut down haha
I literally know all of these people
Small world
Jefferson and I used to be a pair
did jefferson try and get you to join his phone plan mlm, too?
Didn't do as many events with mark
Yes, he did
he was a good dude. small world, indeed. edwina was my manager and sujatha and jefferson were on my team with her in... qa? i think
Yes, Sujatha and Edwina were Q&A. Jefferson probably moved over after I left
Took longer than I thought because I had to hack the firmware of my old BuffaloNas to add smb2 so it would work with my new Windows 11 laptop. (just so I could mount my drive and get to my old resume. ) This is the just use a small font and cram everything in there strategy with lots of good action verbs. Not sure that most people are capable of reading that much.
took a quick peek just now, left some comments. admittedly, i stopped reading 1/2 page in
yeah I'm sure you are not the only one...
Thanks for the help.
you have the content
happy to help you iterate on it
some are on their 6th iteration but it's getting close to a finish line for them
Admitedly my time at Wayfair was semi-boring from a pure technical angle. The main thing I learned was how to do corporate. Push changes through regularily, and effectively without breaking things and getting people upset. Not sure how to word that on my resume.
i am sure it was a lot more than that 🙂