When is the Platform Engineering Certification com...
# general
When is the Platform Engineering Certification coming out?
I am still working on my A+ cert 😕
The community is actually working on one right now @Big Al. Starting with fundamentals, but with an MVP to IDP and certification exam later in the year. You can join the waitlist here: https://platformengineering.org/fundamentals
Thanks. I already have added myself to the waiting list. And thanks for the update. Very excited for this.
how does this work and what’s the long term plan? Is platform engineering getting moved to a 503c or whatever the equivalent of that is in europe? Will funds here go to the “community” or towards humanitec revenue?
Ah the inevitable exam and certification...it was only a matter of time 😏
Thanks for asking @Andrew Fong! Def something we have been looking into, hopefully some news to share on that front soon. As for the course, there will be different modules within it and a certification in the end. Yes it was indeed inevitable @Ivo 😉
so it’s fair to say this is Humantic not Platform Engineering? It feels like it’s important to be exceptionally transparent otherwise the trust of the community is at stake.
@Andrew Fong you have been a member since the early days, so you know very well Humanitec and I are core contributors of this community. I have never hidden that, so not really sure what you are getting to here? There's always been a very clear distinction between Humanitec marketing and this community and the growth of the community is proof of that. Any revenue that any initiative (Platform Weekly, PlatformCon, etc.) ever made in the last 2 years was reinvested directed into making the community bigger and better. The courses will be no different. . On top of that, as mentioned, we are looking into the legal framework for a foundation. It's coming soon.
@Luca Galante, do you have any eta on when this might be released? Wondering if I should recommend my team earmark training budgets towards this if it will be in the coming months.
Also what are you planning to cover on this? Any further details that could be shared?
Hey @Shane Dowling, it’ll definitely be happening in the next months. We’re just finalising the curriculum. We’ll be releasing more on that before we go ahead as well. The demand is getting quite high based on the waiting list and the DMs, I’m getting. So i’d recommend they join the waiting list if they want to be in the first groups, as we will need to split groups into cohort. If you’ve got a large enough group, we can also have a conversation in DM on that. The primary point with the course is that it’ll cover 3 main goals for people • People who aren’t platform engineers yet but want the skills and knowledge to get job as a platform engineer • Platform Engineers who want to ensure they have a strong understanding of best practices, and the fundamentals of platform engineering • Engineers who want the knowledge and resources to convince their boss to start platform engineering There will also be another course in the future that goes far deeper into advanced platform engineering (MVPs, IDPs etc). But we recommend that people take this first once, as it makes sure that no gaps are missed in peoples understanding of PE in both a technical, and a cultural sense.
Nice one, thanks for the context @Luca Galante! 🙌