Live chatting <#C037ZPG0HNY|terraform> with <@U02K...
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Live chatting #terraform with @Soren Martius, join us

Awesome presentation @Soren Martius, thanks for sharing your experience with us. 🙇🏼 Do you think that even Terraform itself should be pinned to an exact version? Terraform seems to follow semver very closely.
Very educational and useful talk. Thank you Soren.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate that!
Do you think that even Terraform itself should be pinned to an exact version? Terraform seems to follow semver very closely.
Yip, I think you should pinpoint exact versions for Terraform as well - especially. Often enough have specific releases introduced critical bugs eg. when handling complex data types in TF. We usually apply 0 day upgrades immediately btw!