I have a question. I am a devops engineer for a f...
# general
I have a question. I am a devops engineer for a few years at my org and I setup GitHub Actions to call an internal Argo Workflows REST API to execute a bunch of flows I pre-built. These flows execute npm/docker builds, and kubectl or aws-ecs cli commands. I replaced our Jenkins server with this setup. Is this considered an IDP? Even if it's very crude. I've been reading posts on https://platformengineering.org/, and trying to understand what is platform engineering exactly and if it might be needed or "nice-to-have" in non-elite orgs. Tools like Qovery and Flightcontrol offer good UIs, but I feel an average dev can still get it done through a CLI.
Hi @Artem 👋 I would say that the concept of IDP is to provide a platform that makes your developers more autonomous in their day to day work without relying too much on the ops/devops efforts. The developers are autonomous to deploy complete applications, while ops keep the control of the infrastructure and what’s going on under the hood. In your case, I would say that it is just the ops side of an internal platform. You would need to consider the developer side - providing an interface (UI / CLI or whatever) that makes your developers able to deploy and manage their apps on their own. ps: thanks for considering Qovery - it’s maybe something that could fit your need (we have a GitHub Actions integration) 🙂