Hi :wave: General channel! Wanted to give back t...
# general
Hi 👋 General channel! Wanted to give back to this great community and put forward a timely opportunity. My company Antithesis is holding a hackathon later this month 9/24-9/26. We'll be finding bugs in popular open source DBs, the focus will be on high priority open issues, we're currently deciding between Cassandra, CouchDB, HBase, and Hive, we may do more than one of these... We're mostly thinking about testing the most recent stable releases, and not necessarily preview releases. If anyone is having an open critical issue with any of these Databases, and you would like to DM-me for consideration/entry to solve a nasty bug, I can try to have your issue the focus of our hackathon. LMK.
Good initiative ! You can already scan them via free tools, some interesting issues when dealing with 3rd party dependencies. And all have open issues. Remember that next month is also the annual hacktoberfest so more options to contribute to OSS. Good luck !!
Thanks Arie! Appreciate that, yeah was scanning the Apache Jira yesterday, there were a ton out there, was hoping this exercise could help with focus
Try Snyk. You can open a free account as your scanning open source projects without even forking them and you get some extra information, quite some other tools around that offer free accounts for scanning OSS projects.