The last nugget from the salary report we shared t...
# general
The last nugget from the salary report we shared this week: flexibility. It’s great to see that the working environment moves towards the flexible direction providing the freedom of choice where to work from! If you want to check practical statistics about remote working, I found this article interesting. Want to hear the voice of this community. Do you guys prefer a hybrid or fully remote work setup?
Personally, I love the hybrid, Its fun go to the office, meet person, have some coffee, etc. Sure, because I live near from office.
Interesting stats coming from Europe, then again European cities have more mixed use buildings so its a lot easier to do hybrid and just go downstairs to the store or a quick hop to the office 😂
I come into the office once a week. I like it as well. But I also know this Slack is going to be heavily biased towards pro-remote.
One thing I am missing is cross-country flexibility so we can be closer to our families without having to leave a job we love. For example it would be great if we could live in an a country (e.g. Spain) and go to the office in another country (e.g. UK) every 4-6 weeks to have in-person sessions. I know tax regulations make it difficult but I think we should be allowing it more frequently in this globalized world
Just going to say it, even though it's not a popular opinion these days. “Fully remote” is not going to make these companies more competitive (on the contrary). Yes you can attract people from all over the world, but competition for great talent is equally hard. Here are some of the problems with a fully remote setup: 1. Body language and in-person contact are critical for building trust and high bandwidth communication. And innovation requires high trust and high bandwidth communication. 2. People are social creatures and need human interactions. Yes you can have your social friend outside work, but where do you build such relationship? Correct at school, at work, etc. For engineers this is even more true, we need these relations. 3. Junior people needs to learn from senior people… that's extremely hard in a fully remote setup. Being a great engineer means you need to understand and learn other parts of the business too (Sales, Finance, Customer Success, Support, HR, etc.). This is much harder in a fully remote setup. 4. Professional conflict's are healthy, but in a remote first environment such conflicts quickly escalate to unhealthy personal conflicts. Mangers and especially manger of mangers have very little way to catch such conflicts in their infancy, and even less room for solving them informally (at the watercooler). 5. When such conflicts occurs it's easy to change job (same work place different company). I foresee that fully remote companies will have lower retention of people. 6. Even though you can recruit all over the world, do not underestimate the problem with time zones, or having to setup legal entities in many countries.
@Thomas Jespersen great post