# platform-toolbox
PYTHON FILE UPLOADER. PLEASE READ FULLY BEFORE CONTACTING US. (1) Our users will visit our https landing page and click on a file upload link. Files of all types and all sizes are allowed. The file upload method must use TCP protocol to upload all client files to our server. We also need the ability to upload files locally to the same server from a local A:, B:, or C: drive. There must be a daily log of all incoming source IP addresses with time stamps and size of files. The image attached is only an example. (2) The file upload must be done in chunks of 10mb chunks or more and transferred ONLY in the order of LAST byte to FIRST byte. (3) The chunks of data will be transferred to a byte array called InArray{}. For example: 1kb of data going to InArray{} will have the highest byte (last byte) inserted at InArray{0} index and the lowest byte inserted at InArray{1023} index. (4) After each data chunk transfer, the function will wait for a request from the main program to send the next sequence of data chunks, until all the data is successfully uploaded from the client to the server.