Hello all :wave: I have a question for you related...
# general
Hello all đź‘‹ I have a question for you related to this thread and the feedback of @Raquel Pau Fernandez. The goal of platform engineering is to provide the right tools to developers to make them more autonomous. Do you think that Platform Engineers must approve resources that are created by the developers? Or the platform should prevent them directly to create resources that they are not supposed to create? Or a mix of both? Happy to have your feedback
Romaric, my point was approval from my stream aligned team. This produces visibility like any infrastructure as code PR. Because if an issue appear we, as a team, need to solve it
In the Platform Engineering world, developers should be accountable and access the right tools to debug and solve the problem. I can take the analogy of Datadog vs. Nagios. Nagios provided monitoring to ops people, whereas Datadog allows developers to monitor and debug their applications without being an ops expert. The concept of Platform Engineering is to provide the right tools to developers to deploy and debug their apps without requiring to be an infra expert. I know it’s a bit ideal. But I try to push the reasoning.
but this is why tools such as crossplane exist, no?
it is still code, but a higher abstraction layer
I don’t know if crossplane is the answer, the space is full of great tools. But I think it’s important to be all align on the concept of Platform Engineering. Maybe a manifesto should be written down with the community @Luca Galante?
+1 what Raquel said - I cannot stress enough how much value I see in “everything as code” and GitOps for both infra and apps. After one very successful product launch, we did a big round retrospective, and GitOps/IaC was by far at the top of the list of what went well. Now, going back to the IDP - Even though people say that, in its core, there should be an API and you can layer on top UI and CLI if it does not have the capability to work within IDE it would be so hard for me to consider it.
@Romaric Philogène love the idea, what would you say is missing from here https://platformengineering.org/blog/what-is-platform-engineering or how else would you structure it?
@Luca Galante - I think creating a single page manifesto with 10 (more or less) bullet points would help to conform to “Platform Engineering”. A bit like the twelve factors app from Heroku - https://12factor.net/. What do you think? Happy to work on this with you
Perfect, following per email @Romaric Philogène