Hi all. In my department I manage IAM AWS permissi...
# general
Hi all. In my department I manage IAM AWS permissions manually, I wrote a few scripts that developers use to generate their own temporary keys, cloud formation templates to help automate IAM resource creation, and so on. I am wondering if this falls into platform engineering space. And if there are existing tools with nice UIs that I can just use to handle permissions and integration with our own identity management like Okta.
About temporary keys (and maybe some other problems): have you tried AWS SSO? You can copy temporary keys from its WEB UI after logging in.
Yep we use that also.
My question is if this falls into platform engineering where a user can access/request permissions via a pretty UI, and these permissions are granted by an admin.
I am sure it is but our solution (DevOpsBox) doesn't currently support it, instead, it relies on AWS IAM/AWS SSO which is far from being perfect... We had a permission generator in the past but we have abandoned it - it was too complicated. The idea was: you could grant somebody permissions for application+environment and their IAM or Kubernetes RBAC were generated automatically.
I have never heard of devopsbox, we use argo cd in my org to handle deployments, users just add a manifest into their repos, and the system knows what to do. I think proper permission management tied to identity is a huge endeavor on its own. And I feel like to get it right you would need to focus only on this, and not the services deployment part.
(short disclaimer: I am a co-founder of DevOpsBox)
My flow basically looks like this Okta/SSO (existing) => permission manager (integrated with Okta/SSO request/approve) => temp dev keys generated I am looking for the middle part. Perhaps there is an OSS solution to this.
That's exactly the idea behind my oss project and his collaboration part https://github.com/Noovolari/leapp Have you ever tried Leapp?
Cool! I'll take a look. I also found this https://github.com/Netflix/consoleme . To me integrations with existing internal SSO systems is important.
Absolutely! I know the creator of ConsoleMe personally and it is a great but not so flexible solution. I would love to know how to integrate with your existing SSO system if possible
Does leapp handle integrations?
Yes, but what you mean with integrations?
So let's say I am using Okta/AAD/AWS AIM for SSO.
Do I have to sync all the users into leapp in order to use it?
https://docs.leapp.cloud/0.14.3/configuring-integration/configure-aws-single-sign-on-integration/ Absolutely not. You will have your IDP users and they will automatically see their account and roles in their local Desktop app and Cli
Sorry bug I really need to go now, but I would love to continue this discussion!