BEN is actively hiring software engineers, platfor...
# jobs
BEN is actively hiring software engineers, platform engineers, and engineering managers. We are a Python and JS shop doing some amazing work in the area of AI and product placement. ... If you see something interesting, please DM me and I'll work to get you fast-tracked.
looks like most are based in Utah, or are they remote friendly?
I, and many others on our team, work 100% remote.
Great, good to know.
"or are they remote friendly?" ... thank you for championing this, by the way. If we all stand up to these arcane requirements of wasting our life away in a cubicle, together, employers will finally recognize that they have to adapt!
I’ve been FT remote for over 5 years and can’t see ever going back
Since I started working remotely due to covid, going back to an office is no longer an option. It became a requirement for accepting new job opportunities.