Hi all, I am considering a career switch from soft...
# product-management
Hi all, I am considering a career switch from software development to platform product management. On my team they opened a position as platform product manager, and I feel it's my time to shine... That’s why I am looking for suggestions 😀 Which soft skills would you consider the most important ones to train? Do you have any personal recommendations or resources? Thank you for your time! :)
• Influence without authority • Over-communicate. Understand who is your audience and create weekly alignment to explain the outcomes (success metrics) and the stoppers instead of outputs • Align on the definition of success before executing. • Good communication skills. • Understand ways of working and how to collaborate with multiple teams (design, mkt, docs, support, eng). This will define your processes and will define expectations of your role. Do that before anything! • Focus. You can't be good at everything, what is the most important thing to focus over time to compete globally? • Interview users asking: what is your major problem now? What options do you have? What are their limitations? Resources: • Book: Inspired - How to create tech products customers love • Book: Crossing the Chasm • Book: Team Topologies • YCombinator youtube channel.
@Raquel Pau Fernandez absolutely nailed it! Learning how to interview customers or users both internal and external is some what of an art - I found the Mom Test book really practical.
Thank you so much! This is really insightful. Will start reading right away 🙂