Here is an article I just published where I explai...
# general
Here is an article I just published where I explain (from my POV) how to become a Platform Engineer as a DevOps. 🚨 Spoiler Alert - It’s not the tool you use that will make you a better Platform Engineer 😄 Happy to have your feedback. Have a great weekend.
Great article! Thanks!
It's a really great take on this. I reslly like the product approach. I was just wondering if that should be part if the define step as well? That is, the product that the design should support, based on current tooling, infrastructure etc.
It's true that the way I wrote the article, it's like if nothing already exist. Because I think it's necessary to get rid of the noise during the define phase. But it's true in an organization, if you already have tools in place, it's going to be hard to not consider them.
I was thinking more of product discovery, product design etc, that is, designing it as a product first and then design the technology, new and/or legacy to realize the product. In a way, to adopt product thinking all the way. Perhaps this is difficult since the product in itself is technology
Very well written article !
Thank you Daniel 😊