Hey all! I can't say how happy I am to have found ...
# product-management
Hey all! I can't say how happy I am to have found this group. We (at Zalando) are in the midst of transforming our internal platform teams into product development teams. I am quite inspired by the work thoughtworks published about this: https://www.thoughtworks.com/en-de/perspectives/edition4-platform-strategy/article
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Oh very nice! Good luck on that. Curious to learn more about your journey.
@Bastian Buch if you want I get some people from ThoughtWorks that wrote this to speak to us.
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that'd be great!
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let me ask Jojo and try to get something scheduled
thanks for sharing that article! I’m 100% sure I’ve read it before, but it was so interesting reading it again, and finding different things that resonate with me today than in the past.
Also really glad some algorithm brought me here. There is so much good stuff!
That’s my old team from Thoughtworks - the Digital Platform Strategy team. Tabassum Memon (ThoughtWorker) just published a book on Effective Platform Product Management that is sublime as well. I’m doing a talk at PlatformCon on the role of the Technical Product Manager as a keystone of the productization of internal platform teams, if you’re interested.
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