Hi everyone - very excited to have found this comm...
# product-management
Hi everyone - very excited to have found this community! My name is David Sanda, and I am a Director of Product Management - Platform at Best Buy. For anyone who hasn't heard of the company, we're a large specialty retailer focused on consumer electronics, appliances, and those sorts of things. I just traded a couple of notes with @Luca Galante, and he encouraged me to ask in this forum. Is there any survey that you folks know about regarding the "State of Platform" today? If so, I'd love to hear about it and join up if possible...if not, I've got a draft and would love to collaborate towards gaining an understanding of the 'whats and hows' of internal development platforms in use today.
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Hi @Raquel Pau Fernandez - thanks for sharing that article, but I am a little bit confused. Are you just pointing that out as a good primer about what platform engineering is and some alternatives for offering platform services in that author's opinion?
Have you seen the research and benchmarking work Humanitec have been doing? https://humanitec.com/webinars/devops-benchmarkings-2022-02-09, for example? It seems to me that thinking of internal developer platforms as products is actually quite close to the bleeding edge. Many companies aren’t even thinking of IDPs as first-class things, and many of those that are seem to be Eng organizations without PMs. If that assessment is right, a lot of the target audience for a State-of-the-Platform survey are still not even ready to consider the question.
@David Sanda To me the article that I have shared is a good starting point about the "State of Platform" today because it explains the value that Platform teams provide.
@David Sanda The 2021 Puppet State of DevOps report does include some good research about internal platform teams; it doesn’t dig into the what and how (unless you consider the platform team structure and interaction modes w/ dev teams as part of the what and how)
Hey @David Sanda - what components of the state of the platform are you looking for? Culture, processes, technology, org design, etc.
@David Sanda would love to help contribute to this
Hi @Schuyler Bishop - I am thinking of practical items around technology and process...respondents' org sizes, how many hosting paradigms are in play, whether there's one or more internal development platforms in use, what they're made from, and (asking for a friend) who has access to cloud providers' consoles
@sabina, I am officially off until tomorrow, but would love to collaborate...it looks like you are in US East time zone? I'm US Central.
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Personally I’ve managed a platform engineering team of 75, and 12. Fortune 100 company and growth stage startup. Hybrid on-prem / cloud (cleanly bifurcated between COTS and in-house development) and 100% cloud-native. Single dev platform in both, Fortune 100 org was custom in-house and the startup uses a combo of helm/argocd and now moving to Humanitec. In both we are migrating off of the console.
The only thing I don’t do (personal choice) is 100% on-premise stuff.