hey guys, any material recommendations for: “makin...
# general
hey guys, any material recommendations for: “making a case that we need an internal developer platform in our org today not next quarter” need ideas to make my presentation/case
Can you describe your problem first. Maybe use first principles. Step 1) What problem are you trying to solve? End to End description of developer workflow. Lets see how many steps we can reduce. Step 2) Lets match your problems with what folks at lets say backstage were having. If they match, you already have a strong case.
I recommend having a browse through some of the presentations here for some compelling arguments about why build your own internal developer platform.
Fundamentally I think that the crux of your argument should revolve about how much time you can save in the long term by having developers being able to self-serve their infrastructure and have access to golden paths vs needing to be hand holded or waiting around for other teams to fulfil their requests. Platform Engineering is the logical evolution of the DevOps cycle and companies that don't have something like it in place will not be able to compete at the same pace.
thanks ! I’m noticing a few teams are trying to each build their own internal thing, do you think there’s an argument to be made for 1 team to provide company wide (cross product) internal platform, or each suite of products/business unit should have their own IDP ?
I believe that for a platform to be most effective, it should be shared across teams, otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose of cross team learning and collaboration. Also it is highly likely that there will be a high degree of overlap of what your teams do, which can be reused and learned by others by creating templates and golden paths. That being said, if you are just starting out, it may be worth putting your most enthusiastic team enrolled into one and then slowly enrol other teams as it matures. I think the hardest part is going to be creating a platform that all your teams will love to use and contribute to, also a platform that discourages bad practices. I particularly like this


of how they did it at Wallmart
Thanks yeah I'm looking for slide ideas to make a good pitch
Appreciate it
There are loads of talks in that channel, most of them have slides for inspiration. This one is also a very good talk:


This is a very good slide from that talk that may help you pitch
Yeah there's a lot of material, I was looking for some focus
You can also argue you can build a strong platform that’s not centralized. The centralization argument is an efficiency play. Managements job is to encourage an environment for results and if you’re getting pieces organically growing it might actually stifle the growth by centralization as you go through forming and morning again. One way is similar to ERGs and leverage champions across the org to create working groups. It’s so company culture dependent though. I am highly suspicious of “reorg to get platform” though unless there’s the right talent
@Naim Salameh Two more resources for you with additional bullet points you may be able to leverage on your presentation https://internaldeveloperplatform.org/why-build-an-internal-developer-platform/ https://internaldeveloperplatform.org/when-do-you-need-an-internal-developer-platform/
Another nice article about advocating for building an IDP: https://www.contino.io/insights/platform-engineering
Yes @Daniel Serodio That and its second part is best article in the entire web, but I may just be a tiny bit biased 🤣