Howdy! I’m Cory ODaniel, one of the cofounders of ...
# intros
Howdy! I’m Cory ODaniel, one of the cofounders of Massdriver and an Elixir & Kubernetes enthusiast zealot. I also manage the k8s.ex and the Bonny Operator Framework. Massdriver helps operations and engineering teams quickly build golden paths for serverless, containerized, and VM-based apps. Who is headed to re:Invent next week? What sessions are you most excited about?
Hi @Cory ODaniel I’ll be at re:invent - giving a talk on how to tame software sprawl 🙂 - what sessions are you planning on attending?
I’m mostly focusing on the SaaS and ML sessions. Got a few EKS sessions too. I added yours to my list. I’ll check it out! Have you presented at a reinvent before?
Awesome look forward to meeting you. I haven’t presented at AWS before.. have you?
Nope. I’ve done a few talks but usually just smaller language conferences. Seems like it’d be fun!
Yep, looking forward to it!
Hey Cory, we're trying to build an unofficial slack community for AWS re:Invent at, would love to have you there!