Hello <@U039M322WJ1>. You wrote quite a bit about ...
# platform-toolbox
Hello @Shai Almog. You wrote quite a bit about production problems. What are your top tips for dealing with production issues?
Great question! To me the biggest thing is preparation. Follow a consistent logging strategy which is something I wrote about here. Make sure to prepare as much as possible. Observability tools in your production environment so you have a lifeline to fallback to. Once you have these tools in place you make a metal switch. They make debugging small issues in production so easy you can often solve problems directly there. Since the modern production environments are so HUGE it's often hard or impossible to reproduce these things locally.
Okay, thanks. One more question. What are the benefits of synchronous logging?
It's much easier to write and is consistent. When you get a failure the likelihood of it stoping in the "right place" are higher. Notice I'm talking about Java here... For platforms like NodeJS you should never use synchronous logging!
Haha yeah, you're right. Thanks!
Also there's this. It's from Log4J so I'm not sure about the reliability of the information here. Still an interesting read: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/async.html