> What was the biggest pain point you and the t...
# platform-stories
What was the biggest pain point you and the team faced to establish a platform team?
There are some spheres to this problem: • The team itself ◦ The people in the platform team usually have to be interested in multiple subjects, that’s so they can help with the broad context platform has to deal with. Once you implement a microservices architecture, someone who only focus on BE won’t see the network/queues issues for instance, and could easily saturate those with some decisions. This goes in multiple areas of the platform, development experience, architecture, backend, backend for frontend, etc • The other teams ◦ Once you’re a central team and start to help solve a bigger problem, it’ll impact multiple teams, to start with: ▪︎ Platform and team A have to be in agreement ▪︎ Maybe team A and team B aren’t on the same page ◦ how will a platform team get everyone on the same page? Sometimes it’s not possible, so coming up with solutions that embrace all can be very tricky, my tip would be to always leave room for customization, however this is also tricky.. I mean, many challenges here, I’m happy to expand in any of them if you have more questions 🙂
❤️ 1
Do you have an example of the third point (re: trying to get everyone on the same page)? Curious to see what that looks like in practice.
the other teams part?
You said that it sometimes isn't possible to come up with solutions where the platform team gets everyone on the same page. I was wondering if you had a story/example about that 🙂
yes, good one, perhaps we can save this for the webinar Q&A?