Thread: How can someone with minimal programming e...
# general
Thread: How can someone with minimal programming experience contribute to/back to the open source community? Or, to reword, what is the most valuable type of contribution you see missing in Open-Source project that is not directly connected to coding?
Docs....everyone needs docs 😄 ( More seriously though technical writing is a good way to contribute to open source )
Even typo fixes are important. Any issues in documentation should be treated as bugs. And outdated information in documentation is just as bad as a coding error in many cases, as it leads to incorrect usage and degrades the user experience.
Another exciting thing is contributing with unit test, even if you develop tests that test not-so-relevant functions/methods, it can give you enough context to start contributing with actual code. It a way to get started in a real project.
Just opening issues helps! If you see a bug, or have feedback about how a feature could be better, or an idea for a new feature, opening an issue/ticket can be helpful!