Hoping that platform engineering one day will help...
# general
Hoping that platform engineering one day will help us out of our diapers 😄 https://medium.com/p/a2b125d5906c
I agree there is just way to much stuff to know and it moves very very fast, one thing that I dont think engineers dont do enough ( including myself but im working on changing that ) is write things down as we go along over the years, ie: things that worked, things that did not, so we dont have to go ooh yah what was that thing i did 4 years ago that worked 😂 - I been moving things to obsidian for that.
Yes agreed, I sometimes write stuff down, sometimes I blog things as a way of making notes, or have a repo to remind me how I solved issues in the past. Can't say I do it diligently enough though 😅