Hello dear community :wave: - I am spending some t...
# general
Hello dear community 👋 - I am spending some time this weekend working on Replibyte - an open-source tool to seed any SQL and NoSQL database with production data while keeping sensitive data safe. FYI the tool is written in Rust 🦀 and is as simple as a single binary. I am always happy to see new contributors so… if you are interested in learning Rust and working on something that could help thousands of engineers, I am eager to help you to get started 🙂 https://github.com/Qovery/Replibyte
What are other similar tools in this space? We currently have homegrown redaction scripts to put prod data into dev
As far as I know, you have some proprietary tools like tonic.ai, snaplet, oracle… how complex it is for you to manage those scripts update and make sure you don’t leak sensitive data in dev?