We have lots of IC positions on our site. There is...
# jobs
We have lots of IC positions on our site. There is one in particular if you're a manager in this space I'd like to call out: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3426612079/?refId=Dc%2F6%2FBkyQo%2BlYbGKUhEGSA%3D%3D&trackingId=Dc%2F6%2FBkyQo%2BlYbGKUhEGSA%3D%3D
Are there any open positions for Canada Remote? I have a few connections that have recently been laid off that would be interested.
Yes. Multiple roles. HashiCorp is remote first. Sometimes you'll see we post roles in dual regions (Canada + USA) to find the best candidate. https://www.hashicorp.com/careers
Someday Colombia and the whole world 🤞
I have been learning DevOps, K8s, Distributed Systems, Golang and many more cool tools since 1.5 years now. Everything I have learnt or trying to learn is all from free sources that were available on the internet. Also spent 3 months as a mentee with Gerald Yerden who works with the Hashicorp Waypoint team. I have worked as Golang & DevOps Intern at Rehicle where I helped setup Infrastructure using Kubernetes and Terraform and built several microservices using Golang There used to be relevent jobs in the Hashicorp's Early Career Program, but I wasn't quick enough to apply and it got removed. Would you please help me in finding positions at Hashicorp that match my resume ? I would be really very grateful. Thank You Sincerely, Vrashabh Sontakke
https://platformengin-b0m7058.slack.com/archives/C02EUDQR5JS/p1675111103285529?thread_ts=1674962535.783499&cid=C02EUDQR5JS We have folks all over the place actually. Australia, South america, etc. I'm not sure on SPECIFIC countries, but...