Does anyone have a or know of a resource for asses...
# platform-culture
Does anyone have a or know of a resource for assessing developer experience? I'm thinking this is best done via a survey so hoping someone has some questions handy or if you have other ideas on how to assess, track, and trend this that would be amazing! Thanks all!
Have you seen the SPACE framework? It’s really good and we’ve found it to be a great companion piece to DORA. Here’s a survey we did last year… it was primarily to help us understand where to focus our efforts, on platform level improvements, process improvements, technology, etc. Let me know if you can’t access it, but I think it’s public:
Above I also found GitHub Good Day Project as an inspiration (also revolves around the SPACE framework).
p thought this might be worth taking a look at also
@Rory Scott That first link went to a closed form. Do you have an updated link?
Thank you folks, this is all great stuff. Lot's of reading to do now!
bummer…. i printed it, hopefully that helps
Thank you!
its the best way to measure your platform - engineers are just like regular customers. we use NPS to benchmark where we are and re-evaluate after enhancements to see how we’re doing and set OKRs
i just started this at my company and it was a simple 3 question survey: 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [Company’s] developer platform to your friend or colleague based on your experience using it? 2. What is the reason for your score? 3. What pain points or frustrations do you have with the current developer platform experience? Please consider things that impact your efficiency and productivity ◡̈ you then use the results to calculate your NPS
Thank you Sabina, that is fantastic!
Highly recommend as a vendor for this. Forsgren & Storey work with them (SPACE authors) and they've contributed subsequent research ( ) on the topic. We just rolled their thing out at eBay and it's A+.
This may help depending on how mature your current understanding is: