:exclamation:Do not miss Feb 9 at 9PM CET/2 PM CST...
# general
Do not miss Feb 9 at 9PM CET/2 PM CST our webinar "*7 Kubernetes tools to boost your productivity*" with @Aly Ibrahim, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services. Kubernetes has wide reach across the industry. But adopting Kubernetes in an unstandardized way can cause unexpected inefficiency. Here's how your organization can evaluate and select tooling to avoid this pitfall. In this presentation, we will explore 7 examples of Kubernetes tools with a strong focus on: • Selecting tools that help administrators manage Kubernetes more effectively • How tooling on top of Kubernetes should improve the developer experience • What features and benefits you should expect from new tools After a 30-minute talk, there will be 15 minutes for Q&A. We’d like to encourage you to submit your questions in advance. https://www.meetup.com/platform-engineers-atx-online/events/290764486/
Will this be recorded?
yes! They are recorded and on YouTube after the live session 🙂
Hi @Giulia Guizzardi, the calendar invite and the banner image for the event has this down as 9pm CET on Feb 9 (Thursday), is that correct?
Oh my! Warren thank you so much for catching this
Got confused 😅