Did you listen to this interesting podcast out on ...
# general
Did you listen to this interesting podcast out on the future of platform engineering? More than a couple of great points on how to internally sell the importance of having a platform team https://pulling-the-strings.simplecast.com/episodes/the-future-of-platform-engineering
This question is important "how to internally sell the importance of having a platform team?" What do you each do to make this happen? Share your thoughts, ideas, innovative thinking or even roles that you created to address this pain point for platform engineering adoption.
lol. I’ve been in the dev productivity space for a long time. This is the Holy Grail, and I’ve yet to catch a glimpse of it. Strategy #1: Just go work for a place that is already smart enough to allocate resources to dev platform. Strategy #2: Never let a crisis go to waste. Before the crisis, do a lot of “We need to allocate resources to X or something bad will happen.” Endure inactivity until something bad happens. Iterate until a) resource allocators become convinced to allocate to dev platform, or b) you foresee the next crisis to be an extinction event, so revert to strategy #1 and take heart in the knowledge that you will quite likely leave behind you managers that will soon be learning to allocate resources to dev platform.
(frankly, the current buzz around dev platform is probably the fruit of decades of such iterations.)
This podcast might be worth checking out! https://getdx.com/podcast/26
@Kyle Jaggi Thank you so much for sharing the podcast, it is essentially a primer of Platform Engg adoption. Fantastic material!
All these are great thoughts and principles. I’d like to share my experience of building platform team ground up in last 3 companies - 1. vision & strategy : Share your vision and strategy with right northstar metrics to measure platform impact 2. Hiring : your initial hires should be rockstars and along with #1 ; these hires should be from product development background with required Ops exposure 3. start small : don’t try to boil the ocean. One mistake I often see is trying to solve all existing problems or tech debt through platforms. Think platform engineering as an internal startup and start with one use case to show impact 4. Build right leadership : you need startup mindset to run platform teams as you end up playing multiple hats similar to startup. As an engineering manager , you should play program manager, product manager, marketing , pre and post sales roles internally 5. Team empowerment: you need to share platform wins as often as possible with your team like monthly allhands with transparent OKRs 6. Business metrics to execs : as mentioned in 1 , you need to build business (NSMs) and instrument platform components to emit those metrics in near real-time so that execs can see impact at anytime rather than you go and present them quarterly These are my experiences but there may be other …pls feel free to share them here.
@Swarna Mani of course! Glad you found it helpful.
hi @Ramesh Nampelly.. would you mind sharing your vision, strategy, and north star metrics? just an example
Recently given a talk about the same 👇
would you mind sharing this deck or video? were you responsbile for data platform as well?