So, last day of the week, last month of the quarte...
# general
So, last day of the week, last month of the quarter...lots to work on! To recap what we did in this past 2 months: • 🇮🇳 and 🇮🇹 community members organised local MeetUps respectively in Bangalore, virtually and in Milan [contact me if you'd like to organise one! If we have already been in contact and I forgot to follow up, ping me or write me an email at] • lots more of local chapters are now in our channel list! [feel free to create your local chapter, but prior to that please, click on the All Channel option on the left and checking if already existing or not]. • We launched the new PlatformCon 2023! More than 470 talk proposal and already lots of registrations...if you want to save the date (even if you already registered) head to Linkedin and click on PlatformCon Day1 Kickoff [we have two kickoff events for both days, one with EU timezones and one with US timezones, but they will be also recorded]. • We passed 10k members and we had an amazing fireside chat with our community members. You can check it out at this link:

Platform Engineering hits 10k!

• We kept having incredible guests to our weekly webinars platform engineering talking about everything platform. • We kept baking a pretty interesting series of PlatformWeekly 🥐. We have a lot more coming and a lot of things that did not fit in the list here, but I am quite happy to say that we started with a bang! Next week I will send out a survey to all of you who are here since more than 3 months to see what else can we do to make this space even better, and bring even more value to the community.
This is really good. May I know the POC to conduct meetups in India, especially Bangalore?
sure Jay! @Ankit Kumar is our event ambassador in Bangalore 🙂
@Giulia Guizzardi Small suggestion: Please also add Bangalore chapter link to this webpage
Thanks! Will put it forward to the design team
Is there anyone officially covering France or Paris? I know we have a lot of people around...
@Enrico La Cava there is a #loc-france in the channels, but not many people have joined (probably don't know the existence of the channel) but you can start from there 🙂
We still did not have anyone coming forward for an event in France
Yeah maybe we need to collect some more people first 😄
We (from Dgraph Labs) made 2 submissions, and we haven’t heard back. Our talks show
- on sessionize. Has the session list been finalized already? I see the website showing Mar’9th as the deadline. do you know who I could reach for more information here?
@Sudhish KR please, message, the team will follow up with a response 🙂