Hello my name is John Papageorge, I am a freelance...
# general
Hello my name is John Papageorge, I am a freelance writer for Wired Magazine and and San Jose Mercury News and I want to do a story on the biggest challenges impacting Platform Engineers and how they best support a positive developer experience. Anyone interested in being interviewed?
I would love to chat if you are still in need of folks to chat with … and @Paula Kennedy would be even better than me 😄
I think the best you can do is talk to a Developer making business features. They are our Customers! I was one of them few years before I became a Platform Owner myself :)
Did you take a look at the devOps Survey which talked about the benefits of Product management? What's the context of this article?
Hi John. I would enjoy introducing you to our team for a discussion. We are a startup, and have all the ups and downs of developing a platform from scratch that they will be willing to discuss.