Hi everyone, our organisation is exploring the pat...
# product-management
Hi everyone, our organisation is exploring the path of moving from a central DevOps team, to a platform team. We already have a mature kubernetes product that we ship to various SRE teams. However, we'd like to do one better and start offering more products with the aim of accelerating tech teams. My role within the team is that of Technical Product Owner. I'm rather excited about the prospect of us being a platform team. However, I'm struggling to envisage next steps and the type of products we should develop within the platform team. I appreciate that we should work on products that our tech teams want and need but I assume that there's an overlap between platform teams on the type of products they ship? It would be great if anyone had advice or resources to share on how to best approach this and what this path looks likes. Also, if anyone's got advice on the type of questions and interviews to have that would also be much appreciated.
maybe too basic but check the site/book Team Topologies
I guess you can start in a pretty simple manner and go out to meet your internal customers (product teams) to find out how you can help offload them from spending time on infrastructure by offering them well proved standardised platform products. Normally the overarching goal is to help the product teams to offload them so that they can spend more of theire capacity on Customer and Business problems (ref. Cagan) and less on technical work that can better be served from platform side.
Start with looking at business outcomes teams using your platform are working towards - and then figure out what is slowing them ‘down/blocking/ repetitive/ is not standard’ from achieving those outcomes. You may see a pattern emerging if you talk to enough partners here. You can do a lot, but ‘where is the most value?’ would be vital to creating your roadmap.
I said this in an earlier thread - treat it like a startup.
if you use mature processes on early stage oppertunity (aka building a platform team) you’re going to get exactly what happens when you apply mature processes to a start up (aka nothing)
Sophisticated Change Management + Startup Techniques on processes will illicit a way faster response time than anything else in my experience
Cheers - thanks All
this is one of the greatest pieces on change management there is https://hbr.org/2003/04/tipping-point-leadership