<@U02MTEBU53M> Can you share any further strategie...
# platform-blueprints
@Manuel Pais (co-author Team Topologies) Can you share any further strategies or materials on how to market an internal platform to different stakeholders? I guess for devs you would need something different than for management?
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Good question! I would start by differentiating between trying to increase engagement and adoption (from users/devs) vs getting buy-in to the platform value (from management).
On the first part, one key thing is to consider the adoption lifecycle of your platform features/services. Especially in larger orgs, the knowledge, experience and appetite for change of teams using the platform can vary wildly.
Figure out who will be the early adopters, "market" to them, then look for what might be some frictions for the early majority to adopt your service/features.
Might be they don't even know about it or understand how it can be helpful. Might be that they need more step-by-step documentation. Or support for other use cases. Or a simpler UI. Or something else.
In practice, you can do things like: ā€¢ formal announcements (like on a slack channel) ā€¢ lunch talks/demos ā€¢ user interviews ā€¢ user surveys ā€¢ branding your service to make it more distinguishable/recognizable
There's an awesome case study from HelloFresh. @Jessica Ulyate has a great talk, def recommend watching that - not sure if it's today or tomorrow.
I was just reading this thread, the talk it on today šŸ™‚ (sneak edit: How to convince management to invest in your platform)
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We have also described their case study, along with many techniques and approaches in our "Platform as a Product" online course: https://bit.ly/3MS88Pt
I think @Jessica Ulyate will be addressing the other part too (on getting buy-in from management) in her talk šŸ™‚
You can of course reference industry examples: https://bit.ly/3NgtKoW
But it's also important to align the platform goals with business needs. In the example from HelloFresh, a key driver for management some time ago was to make new engineers onboarding as quick as smooth as possible and the paltform provided just that.
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But it could for e.g making experimentation as easy as possible for product teams.
Which might drive different priorities for the platform teams.
Thus... the importance of really good product management in the platform, to balance user and management needs, raise awareness of challenges, help with user research, etc.
I hope that helps @Dominic Walt
Again, I recommend checking out our course on Platform as a Product for more in-depth content (you can use the promo code platformcon-15off for a 15% discount): https://bit.ly/3MS88Pt